Copyright © 2016 Ministers United In Christ
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38
Ministers United by Christ!
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38
A Young Mom was sitting on the sidewalk with her baby and her sons.
She watched me carefully as I was sharing with her children about Jesus. In the end, Mom smiled because she knew her children were happy!
They felt the presence of God and God surely was there on the streets with Joseph and Emily!
The little boy when it looks like he is hugging Emily, he is actually giving her big smack kisses on each cheek four different times! She felt such love!!
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Street May 2014
When the picture of the feet are in the circle, it is when Emily was praying for the children and a kind Ethiopian man who spoke English interpreted for us and we were praying!
We are thankful for our remembrance of him and he shared that he is Orthodox.
Many of the Ethiopian people honor and love God and are hungry to know more and more! Allelulia!
What precious people to God! What precious people to us and our hearts pray for them to be so blessed in every way! God loves all the little children!!
Joseph was taking the pictures!
Joseph and Emily after visions and dreams from God for 30 years, God made a way to the Nations of the World, and God decided Ethiopia was first!
This is the season that we waited for our first trip to Ethiopia!
We humbly share our home and our family and our life in these few moments of video!
To God Be the Glory!
Alleluia! Glory to God!
Ministers United By Christ November 2014
Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
Our first trip to the nations of the world was beginning with Ethiopia, Africa in May 2014 with a ministry leader and team of 100 Christians. On the trip, often Joseph was kneeling to pray with the children to accept Jesus in their hearts and sometimes prophesying to each child individually! Emily found herself hugging the children and loving them! These children have precious families and they all already have an awesome respect for God, as the culture of Ethiopia is rich in Orthodox religion and belief in God!
To know Him personally and to know Him more is their hearts cry, just as it is our hearts cry to know Him more! Our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ who suffered lashes upon his back that we might be healed! Jesus shed his blood that we might be cleansed and made whole! Jesus died on the cross for us and went to hell and rose again that we might have eternity with Him! He gave us the Holy Spirit that we might be comforted and would be revealed all truth and so we can have heaven here upon this earth!
Is that not God's heart desire also, that we would know Him and that we would love Him with all our hearts and we would believe in Him? To trust and obey Him, as there is no other way! Would you like to join us today in the ways of the Lord? To know Him as your Lord and Savior?
Humbly bow before Him and repent and tell God that you believe that He gave His only begotten son Jesus.... for you because He loves you. Ask Him to forgive you of all your sins for we have all sinned, but when you ask forgiveness, He is faithful and just to forgive you!
Ask Jesus to come into your life and surrender your life to Him and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior. Accept Him and ask Him to teach you in His ways! He will heal your body, He will heal your broken heart and He will make you whole!
He will forgive you, just ask Him. He will be your be your Lord and Savior, just ask Him. He will accept you and teach you in His ways, just ask Him! He will wash you in the blood of Jesus and make you every bit whole, just ask Him!
If you asked Him, He said yes and you said yes and you now have a covenant with Him! All the angels in heaven are rejoicing because of your love and His love and gift of salvation that He just gave to you because you asked Him! We rejoice with you too! Glory to God! Praise His Holy name!
God is now sending Joseph and Emily back to Ethiopia to some of the same villages in a couple of weeks ay the end of November and the entire month of December of this year 2014! We pray to do God's perfect will and that we might continue to share His love with our Heavenly Father's precious Ethiopian people, as we know they are dear to his heart! God has shared His love with us so graciously and so abundantly and we want to share the same with other people as He leads us by His Holy Spirit!
Thank you for your prayers! We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers as we go about our Father's business...all for His purposes and all for His Glory! Glory to God! What a Great God He is! He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end! Alleluia!
In His Love and In His Service,
Joseph and Emily Sortino
Is anything too hard for God?
God can do the impossible!!
The driver/guide knows many of the children in the area and he tells us, “ See the one over there? She has been deaf from her mother’s womb.” He told us that she can ride with us to the top of the hill if we want her to join us. So, we invited her into the van and realized that she does not speak because she cannot hear. God told us to wait before praying until the spirit is moving like our Pastor Keith taught us in Samuel School of Prophets.
We made it up the long, bumpy, rocky and dusty dirt road almost to the top and we had to walk the rest of the way as the van could make it just so far! The area is where the tombs are located of King Kaleb and King Gebree Meskal. These kings ruled the Aksumite Empire during the 6th century AD here in Axum, Ethiopia, Africa.
May 2014 in Axum
God is doing miracles in Axum, Ethiopia! Glory to His name! Earlier this morning as Joseph and Emily were seeking our Heavenly Father, He told us that He was going to open the ears of a deaf child! On our last trip in May 2014 in Axum, we met a little girl who we fondly call "our Olympic Runner"! We were searching for her, when our driver/guide pointed out a different young girl walking up the rocky road, asking is this the girl you are looking for?
Our intentions were not to search the ancient ruins; but instead, to search for the little Ethiopian girl who captured our hearts back in May! We believe, as we had watched her run like a gazelle!... that we will be there with her in the future, to rejoice when she wins the Olympics!
As we were hiking to the top of the hill with this little deaf girl, there were many interesting sights to capture on film! There were many animals all around us such as cows, goats, sheep and donkeys! Just a few feet away, an Ethiopian Mom holding her baby is beginning their traditional coffee ceremony. After roasting the beans over the fire, she grinds the beans by hand. In America we would consider an expresso so strong; yet, our coffee is weak in comparison to the Ethiopian coffee!
There were a few children approaching us to sell their hand made cross necklaces and some rocks in the local areas they had collected, among other goodies! Right away, we saw the need for prayer and children who needed Jesus. Knowing that God said He was going to open the deaf ears, we gave honor to God first, then we started teaching the children about Jesus!
One 17 year old boy named Berhane, who spoke English quite well, sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee with Joseph. During the meantime, Emily was busy with the guide taking pictures and laughing with the children as they looked at their own pictures! Joseph had a special time with Berhane and began teaching this young man about Jesus. Within a very short time, Joseph could see that he was open to the gospel and for salvation. Joseph humbly led him to the Lord! Glory to God!
When the time seemed right, we felt God’s presence and angels all about us. The children were curious who we were and why we were there and more people came and gathered around us. The little deaf girl, named Tebltse was always holding Emily’s hand. Joseph noticed a young boy with what looked like fungus growing on his lips. When we asked him, he could not understand and so our guide interpreted and asked why? The boy named Testay became shy and embarrassed and covered his mouth and hung his head low.
Glory to God! What an awesome God we serve! Angels bow before Him, Heaven and Earth adore Him! HE cares for the precious little children with His everlasting loving kindness! He did it because HE loves these children so much!
Emily whispered in her ear and for the first few minutes, she shook her head up and down as to say yes! It was obvious she was hearing! Alleluia! Then Emily again spoke in her ear and we motioned for her to speak into Emily’s ear! Little by little, she heard more and spoke more sounds! A few times, she almost pronounced the word such as Mama and Baby! Glory to God! By now, many more children were gathered around to see the miracle of the little deaf girl now hearing!! Most all of them knew that she was deaf and could not speak since they have known her. The children were in awe as much as even the adults too! We pointed up to God and explained that Jesus did this miracle!
We began teaching again about God and Jesus and His spirit. After a while, Joseph asked the group, now standing close together, “Who would like to invite Jesus into their heart? If so, to raise their hands!” We all felt God’s presence so strong and His spirit was moving. To our surprise, a few raised their hands, but then suddenly they all raised their hands! Glory to God! We are not sure how many, but at least 12 or more children confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We continued on with them in prayers and sharing and Praising God as they became full with Joy and all were very thankful! Glory to God! We shared with them that all the angels in heaven are rejoicing over their salvation; and of course, we were greatly rejoicing at the beautiful love of God and His presence all around us and now in these precious children too! Alleluia!
The time was passing quickly and many still had to walk another 30 minutes to arrive home! We were concerned their Moms were wondering why they were later than usual. We all hugged and talked and shared more and hugged again as we exchanged emails with some teenagers and then hugged again! It was difficult to say Good-bye! Glory to God! What great things He has done!
Precious little Tebltse had plastic shoes that were ripped in the back and although her smile shined, we could see the ragged torn dress and weary thin body revealing hunger. The guide knowing she was alone at age 10 and generally knew where she lived with her Mom; he said again that she could ride with us down the hill. As the van bounced all about the rocky road almost bumping us off our seats, Emily whispers to Joseph that she felt the little girl was hungry, that she needed shoes, and she needed a new dress that was not tattered and torn. The compassionate and loving Grandpa Joseph did not hesitate to speak to the guide, “Where can we buy her shoes?” The guide was delighted to show us to an open street market nearby.
We stopped right by a vendor with bread for sale and she ate so quickly as she was really hungry! We watched her face as she was hearing sounds for the first time! Some sounds seemed to startle her. Other sounds in the distance, such as small birds gently tweeting encouraged her! We could see the delight in her eyes! Praise His Holy name.
After searching for the right shoes, we dropped the idea of practical shoes and got her the prettiest little white shiny shoes with a bow and a precious polka dot dress that even had beads sewed in like a necklace……you would have thought she was Cinderella! Honestly, she was not, she was far more! Now as a beautiful precious daughter of the living God, He loved her and healed her and blessed her! He knew her hearts desires! Glory to God! Praise His Holy name! Alleluia!
Emily and I called this young boy and the little deaf girl to the back side of the small building to pray privately with them, not to be distracted. Never the less, the other children were curious and came around the corner to watch! We asked David, our guide and new friend, to record this miracle on film.
As we prayed for the little girl, God opened her ears! Alleluia! At first just a little bit as we pressed in and trusted God for His Word, we watched in awe as her little eyes lit up and her smile gleamed with Joy!! It was obvious she was hearing for the first time in her life!!